Saturday, October 31, 2009

Battle of Seehausen - Move 11

Battle of Seehausen move 11 - 1800 to 1900 3 May1813

French advance and engage Prussians

6 French move first

Orders – move to Seehausen

8 command points

Change orders to Engage

Guns fire on cavalry, total 9, hit

Prussian cavalry test morale, total 1, shaken

French cavalry move within charge distance of enemy hussars

21 French form column of attack

22 French move into woods

24 French move forward

lucky escape for Prussian hussars

3 Prussian move second

Orders – move to Seehausen

7 command points

French cavalry declare opportunity charge on shaken hussars, total 3, fail

Artillery move into canister range of cavalry and unlimber

Infantry form square to provide support to gunners

Infantry move forward

Shaken hussars test morale, total 3, pass

5 French attack village

5 French move third

Orders – engage enemy in village

5 command points

Guns fire on square, total 7, miss

Reposition commander

Two infantry brigades move forward

17 French charge 7 Prussian in village

Melee total 12, Prussians lose 3 casualties and rout

17 French lose 1 casualty and disordered

Prussian gunners test morale for rout, total 3, pass

Routed French cavalry rout from battle

Marshal Davout meets with 5 French commander

French CinC move fourth

6 command points

Move to 5 French and change orders to Engage

2 Prussian cavalry and infantry rout

2 Prussian move fifth

Orders – hold village

4 command points

Guns fire on infantry, total 7, miss

Move square out of artillery range

Move routing 8 infantry behind cover

Reposition general

7 infantry automatic rout

Cuirassiers automatic rout

Routing 7 infantry, total 5, shaken

Gunners test for rout, total 2, shaken


2 Prussian infantry and cavalry routed

3 Prussian cavalry lose melee and rout, then rallied

5 French storm village and drive 2 Prussians out

6 French move towards 3 Prussians and enter woods

Friday, October 30, 2009

Battle of Seehausen - Move 10

Battle of Seehausen move 10 - 1700 to 1800 3 May1813

6 French move into woods

6 French move first

Orders – move to Seehausen

5 command points

Man handle gun forward

Move infantry into woods

5 French continue cavalry melee and village skirmish

5 French move second

Orders – engage enemy in village

5 command points

Move general

Village skirmish

17 French, total 7, hit

7 Prussian, total 5, miss

Cavalry melee, total 10, French lose 2 and rout

Prussians have won melee, but lost 4 casualties, automatic rout

Morale test

17 French, roll 5, pass

7 Prussian, roll 3, pass

8 Prussian, roll 2, shaken

2 Prussian continue skirmish for village

2 Prussian move third

Orders – hold village

5 command points

Gun fire on infantry, total 7, miss

Commander move to join shaken landwehr

Morale test

Landwehr, total 0, rout

7 Prussian, total 3, pass

Gunners, total 5, pass

French cinc rides to 5 French to change orders

French CinC move fourth

8 command points

Change orders for 6 corps to Engage

Change orders for 5 corps to Attack

3 Prussian enter woods

3 Prussian move fifth
Orders – move to Seehausen
4 command points
Infantry move to occupy woods
Artillery moves to support hussars

2 Prussian cavalry and landwehr rout
3 Prussian have stopped 6 French advance on centre
5 French lost cavalry melee but enemy rout as well
6 French deploying to meet 3 Prussian advance

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Battle of Seehausen - Move 9

Battle of Seehausen move 9 - 1600 to 1700 3 May1813

5 French continue cavalry melee and skirmish in village

5 French move first

Orders – engage enemy inv illage

5 command points

Guns fire on infantry, out of range

Limber artillery

Cavalry melee

Total 7, draw, 1 casualty each and both disordered

Skirmish in village

17 French, total 3, miss

7 Prussian, total 5, miss

3 Prussian corps arrive on table

3 Prussian move second

Orders – move to Seehausen

7 command points

Cavalry move twice to pin French cavalry

Artillery move twice

Leading infantry move twice

Second infantry move once

6 French react to 3 Prussian arrival

6 French move third

Orders – move to Seehausen

5 command points

Cavalry turn to face 3 Prussian and form line

Artillery advance and unlimber

Infantry move to support guns

2 Prussian continue melee and skirmish

2 Prussian move fourth
Orders – hold village
6 command points
Commander changes orders to Hold
Guns fire on 19 French, roll 9, 1 hit
19 French test morale, total 4, pass
8 Landwehr move to support village
Skirmish in village
7 Prussian, total 4, miss
17 French, total 6, hit
7 Prussian test morale, total 6, pass

French CinC arrive on table
5 command points
Ride to join 6 French to change orders

2 Prussian continue to fight for village and cavalry melee
3 Prussian corps arrive and threaten 6 French advance
Marshal Davout arrives and rides to 6 French to change orders
5 French continue fight for village and cavalry melee
6 French halt and deploy to their right to counter 3 Prussian

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Battle of Seehausen - Move 8

Battle of Seehausen move 8 - 1500 to 1600 3 May 1813

5 French enter vilage and continue cavalry melee

5 French move first

Orders - engage enemy in village

7 command points

Guns fire on guns, total 4, miss

Infantry move forward

Cavalry continue melee, total 7, draw, each 1 casualty, both disordered

Infantry skirmish in village

17 French, total 5, miss

7 Prussian, total 6, hit

17 French test morale, total 1, Shaken

2 Prussian skirmish in village

2 Prussian move second

Orders - move to Seehausen

5 command points

Move gun and unlimber near square

Move commander into village

Skirmish in village

17 French total 6, hit

7 Prussian total 4, miss

7 Prussian test morale, total 6, pass

6 French move towards Prussians

6 French move third
Orders - move to Seehausen
6 command points
Whole corps move forward

5 French inconclusive cavalry melee and storm village
6 French advance in column of attack to reach Prussians quicker
2 Prussian withdraw to cover of village and form squares

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Battle of Seehausen - Move 7

Battle of Seehausen move 7 - 1400 to 1500 3 May 1813

6 French threaten Prussians left flank

6 French move first

Orders - move to Seehausen

5 command points

Move cavalry to threaten Prussian flank

Move artillery and infantry

5 French infantry move to village, cavalry melee

5 French move second

Orders - move to village

7 command points

Fire gun on gun, total 9, miss

Move Infantry brigade to village

Move commander

Move infantry and guns

Dragoons charge Prussian cavalry

Cavalry melee total 6, both sides lose 1 and disordered

2 Prussian withdraw guns and form square

2 Prussian move third
Orders - move to Seehausen
6 command points
Limber guns and withdraw
Infantry brigade form square to cover guns
Infantry Brigade move into village
Move commander towards cavalry

5 French advance to farm and charge enemy cavalry
6 French advance to threaten Prussian flank
2 Prussian withdraw artillery and form square

Monday, October 26, 2009

Battle of Seehausen - Move 6

Battle of Seehausen move 6 - 1300 to 1400 3 May 1813

5 French corps continue to advance

5 French move first

Orders - move to village

7 command points

Fire gun on enemy artillery, total 7, miss

Move cavalry forward into charge range of enemy cavalry

Move all infantry forward

Position commander for better command range

6 French corps continue to advance

6 French move second

Orders - move to Seehausen

6 command points

Change orders to Engage

Move cavalry forward to cover deployment

Move artillery and infantry forward

2 Prussian corps continue to advance

2 Prussian move third
Orders - move to Seehausen
4 command points
Costs 3 command points to change orders to Halt
Fire gun on enemy infantry, total 5, miss

5 French are about to attack the Prussians from the front
6 French are deploying to attack the Prussians in flank
2 Prussians changed orders to Halt so that they can deploy to meet new threat

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Battle of Seehausen - Move 5

Battle of Seehausen move 5 - 1200 to 1300 3 May1813

6 French corps arrive on battlefield

6 French move first

Orders - move to Seehausen

7 command points

Cavalry double move forward to screen approach

Reposition commander

Infantry and artillery march towards Prussians

2 Prussian corps approach village

2 Prussian move second

Orders - move to Seehausen

3 command points

Fire gun on enemy artillery, roll 8, miss

Move two infantry brigades towards village

5 French corps advance

5 French move third
Orders - move to village
4 command points
Fire gun on enemy artillery, roll 7, miss
Three infantry brigades move forward

6 French arrive on battlefield and move towards enemy open left flank.
5 French move forward to engage enemy
2 Prussian Low dice just when they needed a high one
Move infantry forward to protect gun and occupy village